Officers and Advisors



Niki Iasinovschi

Major: Human Biology

Graduating Year: 2024

What you love most about StEMS: Learning new ways to approach emergency situations from my fellow StEMS members!

Vice President

Zachary Kim

Major: Biology

Graduating Year: 2025

What you love most about StEMS: Being part of an amazing community that is dedicated to helping and connecting with patients.

Director of Operations

Grace Kim

Major: Computer Science

Graduating Year: B.S. 2021, M.S. 2022

What you love most about StEMS: Learning how to practically help people in emergency situations, working alongside a neat team, and giving stickers to the kids that come up to us.

Member Representative

Allie Westley

Major: B.S. Human Biology, M.S. Epidemiology and Clinical Research

Graduating Year: B.S. 2023, M.S. 2024

What you love most about StEMS: I think it’s awesome how StEMS is really driven by students and gives us the opportunity to make a difference in the Stanford community while practicing our leadership and organization skills!


Medical Director/ EMS Program Manager

Dr. Marc Gautreau

Clinical Associate Professor

Division of Emergency Medicine

Department of Public Safety Advisor

Lucia Wade

Command Staff

Department of Public Safety

Senior Advisor

Marc Schaub

Major: Computer Science

Graduating Year: Ph.D 2012

What you love most about StEMS: Seeing our volunteer EMTs grow in so many dimensions throughout their career in the group.

Finance and Logistics

Audrey Kim

Major: Chemistry

Graduating: Coterminal M.S. B.S. 2023

What you love most about StEMS: Learning to adapt to new and fast-evolving situations with a supportive group of peers.

Coordinator of Certification

Ashlyn Callan

Major: Biology, Human Biology

Graduating: Coterminal M.S. B.S. 2023

What you love most about StEMS: I love practicing my EMT skills and learning new things from the people I work with.

Director of Training

Rachel Barber

Major: Human Biology

Graduating Year: 2023

What you love most about StEMS: Working with incredible people who share a love for emergency medicine and helping their community.

Past Years’ Officers:2007-20082008-20092009-20102010-20112011-20122012-2013,
2020-2021, 2021-2022.